Version 1.1.7 of payShieldPPRessureTest, the tool I wrote to stress and test your payShield HSM is out.This new version comes with some fixes: Fixed typos in comments and Removed not functional code in HEX to IP address dotted decimal notation conversion function Fixed the hex output of –randgen Simplified the printing in hex of the response obtained by the appliance Fixed the […]
Payshield Pressure Test v1.1.6 has been released
version 1.1.6 of payShieldPPRessureTest, the tool I wrote to stress and test your payShield HSM is out.This new version implements the command EI to query the status of the Host Port 1 and implements some improvements and minor fixes.The tool is freely available, under AGPL 3.0 Affero license, on #github at A big thank you to JetBrains for allowing me to use for free their product suite […]
How to sign a PowerShell script
The old times of batches and VbScript files that everyone can run seems to be gone. Microsoft is putting more and more attention on the security and now with Microsoft PowerShell we have the ability to run sign our scripts. I think that every new user of PowerShell that tried to launch his first scrip […]