Hello! I just released version 1.2 of my small tool YAWoL (Yet Another Wake-on-Lan Utility). The purpose is to send the Wake on Lan magic packet to the MAC address provided in the parameters. I corrected some bugs and improved the parsing of the MAC address. Now, you can enter a MAC address even if […]
payShieldPressureTest v1.3 is out, and it’s FASTER!!
Version 1.3 of payShiledPressureTest is out! The new version brings many fixes and improvements. The most relevant one is that I modified how the TCP and SSL connection were established: in the previous versions every the connection was opened and closed every time a command was sent. In this new version, the same connection is […]
payShieldPPRessureTest: version 1.1.7 is out
Version 1.1.7 of payShieldPPRessureTest, the tool I wrote to stress and test your payShield HSM is out.This new version comes with some fixes: Fixed typos in comments and README.md Removed not functional code in HEX to IP address dotted decimal notation conversion function Fixed the hex output of –randgen Simplified the printing in hex of the response obtained by the appliance Fixed the […]
YAWoL – Yet Another Wake-on-Lan Utility
Some days ago, a customer asked me if an appliance she’s using can be turned on using WoL.Initially, I replied no, because I could not find a trace of WoL capabilities on the manuals. Still, then I got curious, and I decided to write my own WoL utility in Python to generate the ”magic packets”. […]
A new version of NoInk script to remove ink annotations from your PowerPoint slides is out!
I just released version 0.2 of the NoInk.ps1 Powershell script to remove ink annotations from your PowerPoint slide decks. When I teach online, and sometimes in presence as well, I use a lot of my Wacom ONE graphic tablet to draw on my PowerPoint slides.Generally, I save them so I do not lose the annotations during the […]
Payshield Pressure Test v1.1.6 has been released
version 1.1.6 of payShieldPPRessureTest, the tool I wrote to stress and test your payShield HSM is out.This new version implements the command EI to query the status of the Host Port 1 and implements some improvements and minor fixes.The tool is freely available, under AGPL 3.0 Affero license, on #github at https://github.com/mszeu/PayShieldPPressureTest A big thank you to JetBrains for allowing me to use for free their product suite […]
Delete Ink Annotations easily from your PowerPoint slide decks
When I teach online I use a lot my Wacom graphic tablet to draw on my PowerPoint slides.Generally, I save them to do not lose the annotations during the breaks. This tool helps you to remove all the ink annotations from all your slides decks automatically so they return clean and ready for the next […]
PayShieldPPressureTest v1.0 with TLS support is out!
Are you stressed by your Thales Payshield? Do you like to stress it back? Then you will be happy to know that a new version of PayShield Pressure Test is available on GitHub.
The new version,1.0 supports all the HOST’s protocols: TCP, UDP and TLS.
A simple script to stress your Thales payShield 10k and 9k
Do you like to stress your Thales payShield more than the payShield stresses you? Then this small Python script is for you 🙂 I wrote it just to stress the appliance keeping it busy with RSA key generation and NC commands. Initially, it was made of a bunch of scripts, one for each command and […]
Pinger: a simple PowerShell utility to ping a bunch of hosts periodically
It was a while I was not using PowerShell so I was a bit rusty but I had the need to ping a series of hosts with a regular interval for a certain time and so I decided to brush up my PowerShell knowledge. I called the utility Pinger, and you can download, and follow […]