I’m drilling down in Adobe Captivate 9 a lot recently and I problem that I faced was how to add a button to every single slide of an assessment project to return back to a page that explains the objectives of it.
The other problem was how to return back from the assessment objectives page to the point that you were before to return to the objectives page.
My first idea to solve at least the first problem was to add manually a button to every single slide but it was boring and daunting so my second idea was to use the template and some Advanced Actions.
So let’s start to tackle the first problem:
How to add a “return to objectives” button to every slide automatically
1. Click to Project -> Variables… and add a user variable called intWhereIWas initialized to 0
2. Click on a slide of the project and on the properties page click on the Master slide view button
3. Start to edit the master slide associated to all the slides of your project: by default it should be the one called Blank
4. Add to the master slide a Smart Shape: it will be your button. Remember to check the box Use as Button in the properties of the Smart Shape
5. In the action of the smart shape select Execute Advanced Actions and create the following script:
cpInfoCurrentSlide contains the current slide number and in this case the slide 1 is the objectives slide.
6. After saving the action you can exit from the Master Slide View pressing the button Exit Master
Now the button should be visible everywhere on your project. Now we need to solve the second problem:
How to return to slide you were before clicking on the “return to objectives” button
- Add a button to the objectives page called btnReturnToExercise
- Associate to it an Advanced Action like the following one:
setting the system variable cpCmndGotoSlide to the slide you were will force the project to return to that point. The numbering of the slides for this variable begins from 0 so we need to subtract 1 from out ”bookmark” value.
Now the last problem; how to avoid that the btnReturnToExercise appears even if the “return to objectives” one was never pressed before:
- click on the objectives slide and go to the Actions. Set on the On Enter event the Execute Advanced Actions option and define the following conditional script:
2. Save the script and test your project. All should work well if you followed all the steps carefully.
Happy Captivating 🙂
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