If you are a developer and you want to sign your code prepare to open your wallet wide and pay….a lot! Even 500 GBP per annum. If you are making a profit with your software that could be totally acceptable but if you develop just Open Source programs and utilities, like me, you may find […]
A niche keyboard typer simulator
Yesterday I was trying some labs that I need to teach on a particular kind of HSM. That HSM is manageable using a web-based console and most of the settings are clearly accessible but for some specific and important functions, you need to use some ”old-style” console commands. It is not possible to use SSH, […]
How to invoke a LANDesk MBSDK method using Powershell
DESCRIPTION The LANDesk MBSDK has many methods that normally are invoked though an application (Service Consumer) that generally sends a SOAP message to them These methods are generally invokable even using the POST method. If you want to invoke them through an HTLM page you can refer to the article DOC-21894 but if you need […]
How to sign a PowerShell script
The old times of batches and VbScript files that everyone can run seems to be gone. Microsoft is putting more and more attention on the security and now with Microsoft PowerShell we have the ability to run sign our scripts. I think that every new user of PowerShell that tried to launch his first scrip […]
How to invoke a LANDesk MBSDK web service method using Power Shell
The LANDesk MBSDK has many methods that normally are invoked though an application (Service Consumer) that generally sends a SOAP message to them. These methods are generally invokable even using the POST method. If you want to invoke them through an HTLM page you can refer to the article DOC-21894 but if you need to […]
Direttive di compilazione condizionale in C# ed amenitá varie…
Ho scritto un articolo ”simpatico” su come si usa la compilazione condizionale in c# e come sfruttarla per velocizzare il proprio lavoro. E’ una crash course guide…quindi non aspettatevi nulla di assurdamente complesso o completo. Ogni commento é benvenuto come sempre. DOC-9974.pdf